Instrumental Care

Instrumental Care

  • Dry the instruments immediately after hand or ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Do not expose instruments to sterilization temperatures above 350°F/177°C.
  • Wash the instruments with warm water and a neutral detergent. Use protective gloves to avoid the risk of injuries.
  • Before performing the sterilization process instruments must be properly dried. During sterilization strictly follow the instructions of the manufacturer of the sterilizing apparatus.
  • After the use of instruments decontaminate it into a solution.
  • Inspect the instrument after each use for: pitting, corrosion, discoloration, broken, loose or bent components, cracked handles, dull cutting edges, over sharpened or worn out blades, chipped or peeled plating, damaged hinges, beaks or blades. Instruments found to have these or other compromising conditions should be removed from service.